
Giving Candy to Strangers by Stan Holden Book Review & Giveaway

Whether you are selling your brand or a physical product, there are sales techniques to learn and skills to hone along the way. While we all seem to focus heavily on the numbers and our $$$ when measuring the success of our sales skills; we often fail to note the relationships built along with the way. Giving Candy to Strangers by Stan Holden presents the importance of relationships--as relationships and not just sales figures--to a business' bottom line. What was my review of Giving Candy to Strangers by Stan Holden?

I received a complimentary copy of this book for use in a blog review. All opinions are my own.

Quick Summary of Giving Candy to Strangers. Too many sales people are focused on the end result, the outcome—the close—and another notch on their gun! But, what if you approached “sales” from a heart-centered standpoint, with curiosity and playfulness, as though the world were your sandbox?

What if you created relationships for no other reason than to help others and make new friends? I know what you are saying, "How can it not be about results when it comes to business?"

The bottom line is important, but if you detach from this burden while you are creating relationships, you will find that the health of your bottomline will improve on its own!

Giving Candy to Strangers offers a different view of the sales career. Throughout the book, Holden offers example after example of the importance of relationship building to a salesperson's success. With so much emphasis on texting and internet communication--it's easy to forget the human element of sales. The human element of making someone remember you and your product days (or even months) down the road. While building customer and client relationships isn't a unique aspect of sales success; building relationships with anyone and everyone just to build a relationship is a different view of the long term sales career. 

Holden provides real world examples to back up his relationship building strategy. I think it's important to remember the old saying that "everyone is a customer" when selling a product or service. Holden teaches readers to build relationships with everyone--because you never know when that person may need you, your service or your product. Holden provides pages and pages of examples of the value of relationships to the success of his business ventures.

Giving Candy to Strangers is written with knowledge and heart.  Holden practices what he preaches and his words seem to resonate a belief in his methods.  Holden has seen sales success from his techniques and he shares them in this book in an easy to understand, conversational manner.  He even throws in some fun facts that make interesting conversation starters throughout the book as well.  

Would I recommend Giving Candy to Strangers by Stan Holden.  I don't think the importance of relationship building in sales is unique--but, I do think it is falling by the way side as we seem to have less human-human contact in our daily lives.  Holden offers ways to develop relationships both in person and online--and tips and tricks for leveraging those relationships for sales success.  I think this is a great book for the beginning salesperson--as well as the salesperson who has lost some of their customer service oriented zeal along the way.
Buy the book:  Amazon   Barnes & Noble   Book Depository   Chapters/Indigo

Enter to win a copy of this book at the end of this post!

Author's Bio:
Stan Holden, owner of The LooneyBin Creative Studio, has created work for many Fortune 100 companies. As a protégé, he was first published in a national magazine during the 5th grade. A graduate of California University Long Beach, his screenplay, Rebel Without A Claus, has received a "recommend" by Disney and optioned for filming. He resides in Irvine, CA, with his wife, Reneé, and their two teenagers, Sara and William.

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  1. I want to win this book because I'm always looking for way to improve my sales skills and learn to better myself and my relationships on the sales side.



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