
Signs You Might Need a Full Mouth Reconstruction

Even if one takes great care of their teeth, without the intervention of a dental specialist, they might end up with serious issues. Most people do not realize that their teeth are damaged in case of an accident. If a person does not eat a healthy balanced diet, damage can easily pile up. If one knows that they need dental work but are not sure how severe the issue might be, a full mouth reconstruction might be needed. The following signs show that you need the treatment.

1. You Had Been In Poor Health

If one is in the middle of getting into better shape or if they had recently gotten healthier, then a full mouth restoration might be needed. Unhealthy food or bad eating habits can take a toll on the health of your mouth and should not be underestimated.

When brushing the teeth every time, it takes down a layer of enamel. If one is not eating sufficient healthy foods, and cutting on processed foods and sugar, they could be setting themselves up for dental issues.

Underneath those superficially aesthetic teeth could be fracturing, decay or a series of cavities. Good oral health is part of good health. If one has recently overcome serious obesity or changed their diet in extreme ways, then they need to make sure that their mouth is in good shape as well.

2. Signs of Gum Disease

A high percentage of the population has some sort of gum disease which can be prevented with good habits and good health. Gum diseases starts through bacteria in between the teeth. People who are over the age of 65 have a higher susceptibility to gum disease due to their weakened immune systems and accelerations that had been caused from years of poor care.

Over time, gum disease causes teeth to loosen which allows them to move out of alignment and out of their place. As it happens, the teeth become crowded or crooked. Gum disease might lead to gum recession which exposes the roots of the teeth. Once the roots have been exposed, any type of decay hits the teeth much more than otherwise. Loose teeth may also be vulnerable to trauma. They can even become the site of serious gum disease and would need to be removed in order to treat the disease.

3. Erosion

Acidic foods such as soda and wine might taste good but they can pose serious damage to the teeth. Tooth erosion would lead to a serious issue over time which requires a comprehensive full mouth reconstruction treatment.

If acid has been applied to teeth regularly for an extended period of time, it is possible for tooth erosion to occur. Enamel has been made of strong stuff but it gets battered by acid and the enamel would become soft. This leads to erosion and even more serious cracks.

People with eating disorders or acid reflux are linked to problematic avid damage to the teeth. Acid deteriorates teeth faster as compared to anything else. Tooth erosion does not hit a tooth at a time. It can deform or reshape the entire mouth. Only the skilled restoration specialist would be able to help with the issue.

4. Trauma or Accident

Anyone that has ended up in a bicycle or vehicle accident could end up losing one or more teeth. The thing is that damage is often not isolated to just the broken teeth. Several other teeth might suffer the trauma too.

Furthermore, traumatic incidents or serious violence may lead to tooth trauma and even cosmetic problems. Over time, the bite might change and it can break the teeth which is when a full mouth reconstruction would be needed. Make sure not to overlook the damage done to the jaw as well.

5. A Poor Bite

A bad bite might be a problem that has followed you since the time of birth. The bite needs to be harmonious and the teeth might become uneven which could lead to the jaw muscles struggling. One could end up grinding their teeth or rather exacerbating the issues which could make the teeth hit unevenly.

With the help of a full mouth reconstruction, the bite would be rebuilt to hold the jaw. You can bite more easily when it is in its proper position, experience less pressure on the jaw and preserve the teeth. The problem bite can cause as much damage over time as that caused by a traumatic incident. Speak with an orthodontist or dentist if you feel like the bite is uneven or experience jaw soreness.

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