On World Food Day, I encourage you to take a look at Oxfam’s Grow: Food Justice Planet campaign. Take the time to learn more about our
global food concerns—and teach yourself, your children and others about the
value of the GROW initiative. GROW is
not about only this one day—but about changing our food views and consumption today
for the future.
What is GROW and how can you help? Oxfam’s GROW Campaign encourages us to
rethink our current global food system and create a better plan: a sustainable plan that returns control of
food access to growers, to families, to individuals. The GROW initiative involves five simple
concepts that are easy to incorporate into our daily meals—in fact, you may
already participate in the GROW initiatives without even realizing!Take a look at the 5 Principles of the GROW initiative.
Save Food. Imagine how much we could save globally (and monetarily for those of us minding the family food budget) if we purchased and used only what we need.
Seasonal. Where does your food come from? Are you buying a variety of healthy fruits and vegetables from local sources by the season—or from farmers in developing countries? Take some time to learn where your produce and food products originate. Learn about fair trade practices and working conditions in the farms that lead to some of grocery store produce. You may just find yourself adjusting your own buying practices.
Less. Less meat and dairy is not only better from a dietary standpoint—but, from an environmental standpoint as well.
Support. Support global food producers by buying locally and supporting fair trade certified growers. Become actively involved in transforming our global food system.
Cook Smart. Cooking smarter is often healthier as well as environmentally friendlier. Raw foods as snacks or in salads and cold soups offer vital nutrients and cold foods use no extra energy resources in their preparation.
Are you ready to learn more about Oxfam’s GROW campaign and take the GROW Challenge?
Visit Oxfam America. They offer pages and pages of resources to help get you and your family actively involved in this vital program. You can try recipes on Pinterest, find events from partner sites such as WorldFoodDay.org, and learn new ideas to help you apply GROW principles to your own dinner table.
Pledge to host a World Food Day dinner party today—or any day—to educate others about our global food system and the simple changes that we can make individually to accomplish a common goal. We will be hosting a World Food Day meal tonight with family and we hope that you will too.