
Wordless Wednesday Link Up: Pet Peeves

We have been missing in action from the Wordless Wednesday world for a few weeks--and I can't wait to be "back" this week!  This first quarter of school...combined with junior high cross country...orchestra and celtic fiddle...our usual dance class schedule + our middle one's preparation for the Irish Dance regional Oireachtas...and trying to find time to breathe made for a rough 9 weeks! We've celebrated some birthdays....we've gone to too many dance competitions and cross country meets to count...and we've had a wonderful start to the fall!  We thought we would share some of our youngest daughter's "pet peeves" a literal sense...this week as our Wordless Wednesday link-up!

Madelyn has had some homework distractions this quarter...and we shared her most common homework distraction a few weeks ago...

....But...the distraction has branched out from language arts to math these days.....

...and science....

Then....the dog joined in for some snack time disruptions.   Since he began taking a cortisone medication from the veterinarian; he is starving (or at least thinks he's starving...ALL.  THE. TIME.)  So he has taken to treeing children at snack time or breakfast time...

Almost every day....

Never a dull moment in our little corner of the world--but, the alternative is boredom, right? 

Enjoy your week!

Don't forget to link up your latest Wordless Wednesday posts!

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  1. Welcome back Angela - I SO relate to those distractions!
    Expression on your cat's face is priceless!

    1. Thank you! Elsa just decides when it's time for distractions..and that's just the way it is. :)

  2. LOL typically sitting on anything your using heheh!

    Welcome back!

    1. Glad to be back! Elsa hates me....(I'm the one who keeps her out of trouble) but she LOVES the kids. Homework is her daily nemesis as she battles it for their attention. If you can't beat it...sit on it. ;)

  3. We have those kind of distractions as well, every-time we enter the kitchen, someone is looming.

    1. One of our cats used to hide on top of the refrigerator and whack everyone who walked into our galley-style kitchen. At least our (old) treat beggars on the floor make themselves "audible" these days! :) Thank you for stopping by!

  4. Life does get that the cat doesn't care (knows it tho....)

  5. The cutest distractions ever... ;)
    Happy Wordless Wednesday!

  6. That will do it.

  7. We have a problem with mice after almost 16 yrs. of living in our home I've got mice and I HATE MEECES TO PIECES!!!! So I've been thinking about getting a cat. What do you think? Only thing is I have a black lab! :(

  8. Life is never dull with a cat


  9. Animals and kids are great distractions.

  10. My kids were a major distraction from me last Sun. I was trying to work on blog reviews, and my costume.

    Your pets are pretty funny!

  11. Awww this post made me miss my pet in the Philippines! You have lovely ones =)



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