While my three girls are finally beyond the baby and toddler stages; there are still some fairly mundane, daily mom-adventures consuming my days. The title of Leah Spina's book, Stop and Smell Your Children, made me smile--so I was excited to read the author's perspectives on appreciating and thriving during those early parenting years. What was my review of Stop and Smell Your Children?
I received a complimentary copy of this book for use in my blog review. All opinions are my own.
Quick Summary of Stop and Smell Your Children. Ready to laugh about motherhood and be encouraged? Tired of feeling overwhelmed and stressed out in the baby and toddler season? Need some fresh vision and perspective so you can enjoy—not just endure—your young children?
Stop and Smell Your Children: Laugh and Enjoy the Little Years offers moms-to-be and moms of young children short, real-life parenting stories that encourage and inspire. Leah Spina, mother of three children ages five and under, and former journalist, unleashes humor and perspective for tired moms who are parenting the “little” years. From the excitement of the positive pregnancy test to morning sickness and the banes of pregnancy, to childbirth, babies, toddlers and new parent struggles, the stories will make you laugh and see beauty in the chaos. Each story also includes thought-provoking takeaways to help busy moms gain a fresh outlook.
Strangers remind us that our children will be small only for a short time and to enjoy each moment. But then we return to the wild reality of parenting young children! All-night crying sessions. Never-ending laundry. Every-three-hour feeding schedules. Diaper explosions and projectile spit-up. Teething. Potty training. Yes, we enjoy our children, but we’d also like to enjoy a shower that lasts more than two minutes, or a meal that isn’t lukewarm (if we’re lucky). The truth is, pregnancy and parenting young children can be hard at times. But it can also be one of the best chapters of our lives, if we can learn to laugh and change our mindset.
Young children are one of life’s greatest gifts. Each page of this easy read will help you truly enjoy the “little” years!
Spina offers wonderful reminders and insights throughout this book. I spent months without sleep after our middle daughter developed severe reflux. During those early years, I was exhausted by the constant demands of family life. That time, as Spina reminds, is really a very short one--and I find myself missing the times when the girls not only needed my input--but, wanted it as well! Spina shares a host of humorous stories--and tips for turning those exhausting days into more memorable moments.
Stop and Smell Your Children is the perfect gift for parents. While the book is certainly geared toward the parents and caregivers of young children; it offers a special look at parenting for parents of older children to enjoy too. While my diaper changing days are over; I still find myself buried in laundry and working through tween-aged tantrums and mood swings. This book brought so many smiles--and brought back so many memories for me. The author's writing style is conversational and funny--but, her insights are spot on and intelligent.
Would I recommend Stop and Smell Your Children by Leah Spina? I highly recommend this book for parents of any age or stage! It would make a wonderful gift for new parents--and for more "experienced" children suffering through the tween/teen years as well! Parenting is not an easy job--and it doesn't come with award ceremonies or a lot of recognition at times. Stop and Smell Your Children uses humor to remind us that the difficult periods of parenting are actually short lived--and should be enjoyed rather than wished away!
About the Author
Leah Spina is a former journalist of a national newsweekly magazine and also worked as a childbirth coordinator at a large adoption agency. She has her B.S in Business Administration from Thomas Edison State College. She has two adorable children – Samson and Esther – and resides in Dallas, Texas with her husband, David. When she’s not changing diapers, she enjoys singing Broadway, sun tanning on Italian beaches and riding horses.