
What Getting a BSN Might Mean for Your Family

The job of a nurse is a difficult one, but it’s also one of those fields where the demand is always high, especially when you have higher education in the field to back your CV. Now, once you have started a family of your own, then managing work, family life and further education can become a very tough ask. At this time, the question to ask is, what something like a BSN degree can do for your future and that of your family. Let’s take a closer look and find out.

Boosted Salary

The American Association of Colleges of Nursing or AACN reports that the average annual salary of nurses without at least a BSN is roughly around the $66,000 mark, with a large number of them earning in the high-forties. On the other hand, the average annual income of a BSN educated nurse was $75,000+, which happens to be a big difference, especially considering the fact that the duties are mostly similar in both cases. What this means is that you could be receiving an instant boost in your earning, as soon as you complete your RN to BSN. This would of course, translate to better immediate and future financial stability for your family and of course, you.

Assuming a Leadership Position

The more educated you are as a nurse, the higher your chances are of assuming a leadership position in a hospital or a health center. Not only does that higher rank translate to better salary and status, but it actually means that you will be able to spend more time with your family. This is not to say that a high-ranked nursing official has it easy by any means, because the job becomes more and more complicated as you gain in rank. Nevertheless, it’s not going to be the same as the irregular hours of an emergency nurse either! Getting a BSN is a step in that direction, but you might need to get an MSN as well to make it happen.

You Don’t Have to Miss Out on Anything

If you have a young family and you are afraid of missing out on the precious moments with your children and husband, the good news is that you don’t really have to. The CCNE accredited program from Rutgers University allows nursing students across the US to complete their RN to BSN right from where they are located. This means that with Rutgers University Online, you can study from your home and over the internet, making sure that you are never really away from your loved ones. If you are wondering how that online BSN degree from Rutgers holds up in comparison to regular BSN degrees, rest assured that their values are identical in the professional field. Studying for your BSN online is the best way to make your future brighter as well as that of your family, but without really sacrificing much.

In truth, it’s a hard job to manage a family, work and higher education at the same time, but if you make that extra effort now, it will all be worth it in the end. Talk with your family members to make them understand what it will mean for everyone and figure out a plan to make it happen together.

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