I recently had the opportunity to read and review Beyond Religion by W.A. Vega. While I did not read volume one in The Adventures of A. Soul--I was interested in checking out the series. What did I think of Beyond Religion: 400 Kingdom Perspectives by W.A. Vega?
Christian Inspiration
Date Published: January 23, 2018
Publisher: Global Publishing Group, LLC
I received a complimentary copy of this ebook from the author or publisher for use in my review. All opinions are my own.
I received a complimentary copy of this ebook from the author or publisher for use in my review. All opinions are my own.
About the Book
What if the Kingdom of Heaven’s perspectives invade the earth through its sons and daughters living here on earth? (Matt 6:9-13)
What if the Kingdom of Heaven’s perspectives invade the earth through its sons and daughters living here on earth? (Matt 6:9-13)
One of 400 “What If” thought provoking perspectives designed to jolt and align our thinking as Kingdom citizens temporarily living on earth.
A. Soul continues her adventure into the promise land with exuberant delight and unlimited expectation. Her new companion, Joy Grace, is full of surprises, wisdom and questions that challenge her old way of thinking. Along the journey, A. Soul learns to have her pen and paper ready to write the thought provoking, “What If?” Kingdom Perspectives (KPs) that Joy Grace shares. The more “What If?” questions A. Soul ponders, the greater the clarity she has of the King, and the Kingdom to which she belongs. May these questions challenge your thinking as they do A. Soul’s and ultimately transform your mind into the mind of Christ. (1Corinthians 2:16) May you also allow, Joy Grace, to lead you into truth through all of your life adventures.
My Review
Beyond Religion: 400 Kingdom Perspectives is a non-traditional book. Readers will likely not sit and "read" this book from page to page like a traditional book. The author poses 400 thought provoking questions, with references to Bible passages. She does not; however, elaborate on those questions/perspectives with her own thoughts or input. Readers are simply being offered 400 questions to help them strengthen or develop their personal relationship with God.
The Paperback Version May be More Effective for Readers. The author certainly offers readers a lot to consider with her questions and references. Personally, I found that the book was more effective for me as journal prompts or daily devotional inspiration. If you are truly looking to explore these perspectives, you will want to write down thoughts and notes. I would recommend buying the paperback and/or a journal to accompany the ebook.
Would I recommend Beyond Religion: 400 Kingdom Perspectives by W.A. Vega? I enjoyed the questions and perspectives posed by the author--and I enjoyed considering my answers to those questions. If you are seeking to further your relationship with God and to grow in your Faith--this book offers 400 thoughts to consider. I think the book offers more value to readers as a "workbook" and I would buy the paperback version or invest in a supplemental journal for writing through the perspectives.
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About the Author

From rejected to accepted, fearful to courageous, worthless to significance, abandoned to nurtured, single parent to widowed, empty to fulfilled, misfit to belonging and restless to purpose ~ Anne was born with a passion to write. Receiving her first recognition and Award for writing while in High School, she has been writing ever since. With a B.A., in Sociology, an M.S. in Business, over 20 years experience in Human Resources leadership and most importantly, 35+ years in intimate relationship with the Author and Finisher of her faith, Jesus Christ, she understands the REDEMPTIVE heart of God and the desperate need of the soul for REDEMPTION. Whether writing suspense or inspirational, at the heart of her writing, is the recurring REDEMPTIVE theme that offers hope, purpose and new life. Her message conveys the heart of a loving Father and Friend, to “….Look up….Lift your head…your redemption is near…" Luke 21:28
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