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Go Easy on the Exercise. Calm down, Colonel, you don’t need your dog to run a mile in the hot weather. While dogs do need exercise, it’s best to go out when the sun is low. Casual strolls are much more recommended than rigorous training regimens.
Choose Swims Over Walks. When life gives you lemons you don’t go out looking for strawberries, you make lemonade. Long walks and hiking are great activities for the cooler months. Summer is the time for waterslides, dog sprinklers, and garden showers. Most dogs love water, so take them to a pool for a soaking-wet-fun time.
Create Space for the Dog Indoors. If your dog is not allowed indoors, it’s the perfect time to make an exception. If you live in a really hot area, it’s best to turn on the AC and setup a bed for the dog.
Monitor Humidity Levels. You probably heard the old folks saying, “it’s the humidity that kills you.” As it turns out old uncle Barry was right after all. Dogs don’t sweat like we do, they pant to lower their body temperature. If the humidity levels are too high, panting fails to work as well as it should. Look up local weather reports for high-humidity days and take extra precaution. Turn on the AC, which both lowers the temperature and the humidity level.
Be on Guard for Heavy Panting. When you see hours of consistent panting, something isn’t right. This is a sign that your dog is struggling to lower its body temperature naturally. If you don’t intervene this may lead to heat exhaustion.
Get Those Hair Clippers Out. Imagine yourself walking down the street under the summer sun wearing a fur coat. It won’t be pleasant, would it? While some dogs shed excessively during the summer months, it’s often not enough. If you have a long-haired breed, take your furry pal to a pet grooming center or gently trim its hair using a clipper.