If you're a football fan, you love the thrill of attending a college football game. The crisp fall air, the cheers of the crowd, and the excitement of each touchdown make Sunday afternoons your favorite times. This year, combine your passion for football with the adventure of traveling by watching a game far away from your house. By planning your trip well in advance, you set yourself up for the vacation of a lifetime.
Explore Travel Packages
Why should you figure out all the details of your trip when someone else has already done it for you? Look into travel packages such as https://bookseats.com/college-football-travel-packages. These offers include airfare, game tickets, and hotel costs. All you have to do is buy your package, drive to the airport, and enjoy your trip.
Pack for Your Destination's Weather
Nothing is worse than showing up for a vacation and having the wrong clothes, especially when you're attending outdoor events such as football games. After all, just because the fall is cool and rainy in your area does not mean it is near the stadium where your favorite team is playing. Use your weather app to monitor your destination's temperatures in the week leading up to your trip. Don't forget to bring a raincoat and other supplies for inclement weather.
Plan Other Activities
Football games are fun, but they do not take up your entire trip. Talk to your travel package agent about other places to visit, including local music clubs, historic sites, and specialty restaurants. Hike in a nearby state park or go kayaking on the river that runs through town. See if you have friends or family living in the area to visit. If your day trips take you out of walking distance of your hotel, leave room in your budget for an Uber or another ride-sharing service, or contact a local car rental agency before you leave. Not only will you get to know the culture of the area you're visiting, but you'll also make the most out of your travel time and costs.
Every fall, you look forward to the start of the college football season and the excitement that grows as the tournament approaches. Shake up your routine by visiting a far-away stadium in person for the game itself and the tailgate before. Use these steps to take your hobby of watching football and make it into the best vacation ever.
Here is one. People forget that the San Francisco Bay Area is home to three Division I teams. San Jose St plays in the Mountain West Conference which is one of the smaller D-I conferences while Cal and Stanford play in the Pac-12 which is one of the Power Five conferences. Usually, (unless they are playing each other) Cal and Stanford are not sold out.