
Mama's Wordless Wednesday Link-Up #12: Spring Fever

Frito the Cat is always ready for Spring @A Mama's Corner of the World
Okay--it's official:  I have Spring Fever.  I know.  It's only January.  Perhaps it's the lovely 4 Degree temperatures--or that the kids have shared colds, coughs and stomach bugs since September--but, I'm finished with Winter.  It's time to move on to Spring.  I am so ready to move on to the next season that I've decided to dedicated this week's Wordless Wednesday Link-Up to my Spring Fever!  Don't forget to link up your Wordless Wednesday posts--I love to see them!

I miss Butterflies and Honeysuckle....

I'm ready for Spring Break in the mountains

I'm ready to head out for random hikes to random places--without 8 layers of clothing!

I'm ready to feed the fish--I may even be ready to go fishing this year!

I may even be ready to clean the pool if it means sunshine and warm weather!

Enjoy your Wednesday--I'm going to pile on a few layers of clothes and take the dog for a walk.  Spring Fever or not--we have a few more weeks of winter here in our corner of the world!

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  1. I'm sooooo ready for Spring, too! Even though we haven't had a very cold winter here (at least until now) I can't wait for warm weather and sunshine and flowers and......SPRING!!!!

  2. I live in perpetual summer, so I, too, have spring fever in that I wish we had a spring. Nice post. New follower. Java With Jambor

  3. Oh my gosh, I agree...I so wish this cold yucky weather was done with!

  4. Great photos, I think my fave is the car in cognito!! Hope you have time to stop by and Link Up......

    My Wordless Wednesday To Visit

  5. Spring looks good. Bring it on!



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