We were lucky enough to have the opportunity to participate in the blog tour for The Posse, by Tawdra Kandle. Today, we are happy to host an excerpt from The Posse for our readers to enjoy. Don't forget to check out interviews, reviews and more from other blogs participating in this tour--and enter to win the tour prize.
Excerpt from The Posse by Tawdra Kandle
Dressed again in a fresh shorts and a thin cotton tank top,
she sprinted down the steps and ran smack into Logan.
She’d seen him that morning, of course, as she had opened
up, but tonight he too was freshly showered, dressed in jeans and a white polo
shirt that brought out a deep tan. His light brown hair was damp as it fell
across his forehead.
He grabbed her arm to steady her. “Whoa, there. Where’s the
fire?” Jude felt that same disturbing skitter in her heartbeat that had been
showing up whenever she saw him lately.
Logan, she reminded
herself. This is just Logan, one of my best friends.
“The fire better be in my kitchen, under some burgers.” To
prove to herself that she could, Jude tiptoed and kissed Logan’s cheek. “Glad
you’re here. Ready to see my plan spring into action?”
Logan released her arm, frowning. Jude wondered if
upset him with the kiss.
upset him with the kiss.
“Seeing as neither of the necessary parties are here yet, I
think I have a little while before show time.”
Now it was Jude’s brow that furrowed. “Matt’s not here yet?
Or Sandra? Are you sure? I told them both five.” She scanned the room.
“It’s twenty after.”
Logan shrugged. “I heard there was traffic on the bridge.
Maybe that hung up your friend.” His eyes lingered on Jude’s damp hair,
wandered down her neck, making her acutely aware of the small rise of her
breasts visible at the top of the tank. She shook her head to clear it.
“Did you get a drink yet? Sam’s supposed to be making one
for me.” She didn’t wait for an answer but turned to head for the bar.
Samantha and Janet were busy in the kitchen, pulling
condiments from the fridge and setting up baskets of buns. Emmy was fiddling
with the stereo, trying to queue up some music.
“None of your country twang, Em!” Jude gave her a friendly
nudge. “Play something cool.”
Emmy didn’t look up. “Oh, you mean like Billy Idol? Adam
“They would definitely meet the cool requirement, but since
your taste in music is still, umm. . .” She cocked her head, considering.
“. . .maturing, I’ll compromise on Pat Benatar.”
“That’s a compromise?” Emmy sighed. “I have a great mix
list. I promise, you’ll be happy with it. I even have some Blondie.”
“I guess I’ll trust you. Any love songs on there? We might
need them later.” She winked and went in search of the drink her sister-in-law
had promised.
“Captain and coke waiting for you in the back, Jude!” Sam called.
Summary of The Posse by Tawdra Kandle
Being a widow at the age of forty-four was never in Jude Hawthorne’s plans. After her husband’s death, she’s left with her family’s beach restaurant and two nearly-grown children. The last thing she’s looking for is another chance at love. However, if her husband’s best friends, the Posse, have anything to say about it, love is just what she’s going to get. The Posse is determined to take care of Jude, and when they decide the best way to do that is for one of them to sweep her off her feet, three begin to vie for her affections. But only one can reach her heart. In a story of friendship, loss and second chances, Jude will learn her life is far from being over.
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Enter to Win a Tour Prize: Fill out the form below to enter. a Rafflecopter giveaway Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book for my participation in this promotional blog tour. All opinions are my own.
Thanks for hosting this stop and sharing the excerpt! So appreciate it :)