Note: I received a complimentary copy of this book for use in an upcoming review. I may also receive slight commissions on sales made through affiliate links.
Quick Summary of Two Brother: Origin. What teenage boy doesn’t want to fit in and have friends? That’s what Argus Dachel, 17, wants more than anything, but because he’s half alien, and a New Breed, that’s not as easy as it seems. And it sure doesn’t help that he and his brother, Tai, are being pursued by a secret government agency. To top it off, now in their senior year at public high school, both boys risk exposure when Argus uses his extraordinary strength to defend himself against the school bully, falls for 16 year-old Lola and then learns that New Breeds are set for extermination by another group of hostile aliens. As government agent Max Jackson gets close to discovering the brothers’ identity and the hostile alien forces close in, what chance do Argus and Tai have of survival?
Gabel creates a wonderful cast of characters. Readers will develop very strong feelings for--or against-- the characters that may change throughout the book. Argus is such an emotional, open book--while his brother seems a little more mysterious. Galena is evil (isn't she?), Max Jackson is a good guy...then a bad guy...then...could he be a possible hero in the making? I will admit that, as a mom, I felt for Guardian Aunt Celeste--raising teenaged boys is a challenge enough without all of her added challenges!
Two Brothers: Origin serves up unexpected twists and turns. This book leads readers on unexpected adventures in every chapter. It's fast paced, well developed, and well written. Readers are never sure if things are really as they seem as Gabel drops little clues toward each dramatic turn. Gabel creates just enough mystery and uncertainty to keep readers caught up in her page turner.
Would I recommend Two Brothers: Origin? As I realized that I had reached the end of the book--I knew immediately that I had to read the next book in the series. Gabel has me hooked and there are just enough loose ends that I absolutely must read the next book. I think I may officially be a science fiction fan.
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About the Author:
She is a multi-genre writer, with a historical romantic suspense novel, a women’s fiction novel and a science fiction novella recently published, as well as several short stories published online and in print. Her latest novel is Two Brothers: Origin, A Ramtalan Trilogy, a young adult science fiction novel. Her favorite quote paraphrased from Sir Francis Bacon: Knowledge is Power.
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