
2014 Word of the Year: Action

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After years of disappointing, failed, New Year’s Resolutions, I decided to take a different approach last year in 2013.Instead of creating a never ending list of resolutions to “change my life”—I decided instead to focus on one word for the new year.  In 2013, I chose the word Purpose—and really worked throughout the year to keep sight of my many purposes and keep my life in a positive perspective.  The year was not an easy one and keeping “purpose” in perspective kept us moving forward.  We made it through a difficult year successfully and “purposefully”.  In 2014, I will build on my life’s purposes—and focus on one new word:  ACTION.

Why did I choose “Action” as my word for the year?

Vision without action is daydream. Action without vision is nightmare.
- Japanese Proverb
I am a great brainstormer.  I make wonderful lists of all of the things that I should do to see success in the various aspects of my life.  Unfortunately, I also often lack the confidence to dive in and take action on those lists.  I rarely jump into things without clear vision—so I really need to take action on my visions (dreams, goals, plans) in 2014!

Act or accept.
- anonymous
I cannot expect to achieve the desired changes in my life without taking action to make those changes.  I am not getting any younger.  I can either choose to act—or choose to accept things as they are.

Anyone can do something when they WANT to do it. 
Really successful people do things when they don't want to do it.
- Dr. Phil

I can let fear keep me sheltered from my dreams—or I can face my fears, push myself beyond my comfort zones and take action toward my goals. I have to-do lists--and it's time that I do even the items that I do not enjoy--especially those items.
There are only two rules for being successful. 
One, figure out exactly what you want to do, and two, do it.
- Mario Cuomo

I Need to….Just. Do. It. I know many of the things that would improve the health, happiness and success of myself and my family.  I just need to take action and do it.

Today is the first, official day of my 2014 Year of Action....and I'm not sure that I can do it--but, I know that I need to try. 

Have you shared resolutions for the New Year—or have you chosen a single word to guide you?

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