I received a complimentary copy of this book for use in my review--but, all opinions are my own.
About Uncle Bear's Mystery Valentine. What’s a bear to do when he has no money, but wants to give a gift to thank his secret admirer?
Our Review of Uncle Bear's Mystery Valentine. It is a wonderful children's book--loaded with bright, colorful illustrations, and a fun (well written) rhyme. While it's perfect for families--it would be great to read during a preschool/kindergarten classroom Valentine's Party too. We couldn't decide if we loved the illustrations or the story more--it's such a great combination!
Buy On Amazon: Paperback
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About the AuthorClarice Williams whose pen name is C. JoVan Williams, was born and raised in Chicago, IL, but now resides in New Jersey as an Air Force spouse, with a blended family of six. She credits her writing inspirations from her experiences as a military spouse, mother, college graduate, Government worker, silly daughter, and an overbearing older sister to many. She also writes for Military Spouse Magazine. Her books are available on Amazon.
What people are saying: It is an endearing story of three friends and their plan to find out the secret Valentine. The story is narrated in pictures like comic strips. The illustrations are colorful and lively. It gives a personality to all the characters in the story and breathes life into the scenes. It is a good bedtime story for children. The scenes are descriptive, helping children visualize the scenes with clarity. The book also tells children about friendship and how friends help each other whenever necessary. - Reader's Favorite
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