Note: We received complimentary copies of books within this series for use in our review. All opinions are our own.
Quick Summary of the Captain No Beard series by Carole P. Roman. Captain No Beard and his pirate ship The Flying Dragon set sail for a voyage of the imagination with his fearless crew of four: First Mate Hallie, Mongo the Monkey, Linus the loudmouthed lion, and Fribbet the floppy frog. Normally a young boy named Alexander, his cousin Hallie, and three stuffed animals, once they board his bed their world is transformed into a magical vessel sailing the seven seas on dangerous and exciting adventures!
The series began with Captain No Beard: An Imaginary Tale of a Pirate's Life
Captain No Beard: The Treasure of Snake Island summary. After a fierce battle with a storm, the crew goes in search of treasure. Alexander, that is, Captain No Beard uses a map to locate it on the ominous sounding Snake Island. Bravely they dig until they find the best treasure ever!
What did we like about the Captain No Beard series? The stories are fun, imaginative, colorfully illustrated, and full of imaginative details. The girls were both interested in seeing how Captain No Beard's adventures played out--and in creating (or remembering) some similar adventures of their own. It's a fun series for both boys and girls with characters that kids will both love and "adventures" to which they will readily relate.
Would I recommend the Captain No Beard series of books by Carole P. Roman? I would recommend this book for both read-alone reading for elementary age children or as read-along stories for families with younger readers. The stories are well-written, colorful--and offer a fun way to get the kids inspired to create some of their own imaginative, summer adventures.
Buy Captain No Beard: An Imaginary Tale of a Pirate's Life in Paperback
Buy Captain No Beard: The Treasure of Snake Island in Paperback
About the Author
Named to Kirkus Reviews' Best of 2012
for her first book, award winning author Carole P. Roman started writing
as a dare from one of her sons. Using an imaginary game she played with
her grandson as a base, Captain No Beard was born. It has followed with
four more books to the series.
Motivated by her love of yoga, Roman has written a book that not only teaches four poses, but shows how easy and accessible yoga can be.
Motivated by her love of yoga, Roman has written a book that not only teaches four poses, but shows how easy and accessible yoga can be.
She has just finished the first of six books in a groundbreaking new nonfiction series about culture around the world. "If You Were Me and Lived in..." combines her teaching past with her love of exploration and interest in the world around us.
Writing for children has opened up a whole second act for her. While she is still working in her family business, this has enabled her to share her sense of humor as well as love for history and culture with the audience she adores. Roman lives on Long Island with her husband and near her children.
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