
Wordless Wednesday Linkup: Fluffy Space Invader

Fluffy D'Tail is getting older--and more inclined to spend his days inside with the family than out chasing chipmunks.  We like to call him our little fluffy space invader.  Most of the time he is as close as physically possible to either a child or one of his furry roommates.  Since the weather is warming a little--we may begin to see a little less of our Fluffy Man--so we thought we would recap the last few months with our little space invader!

He Seems to Love to Snuggle with Elsa

 ....and Elsa loves the corner of the sofa more than she dislikes Mr. Fluff!

Fluff wasn't sure if he could safely invade Elsa's latest "box".... he stood as close to it as possible and stared at her....for about an hour...

Fluff is an expert in the Staring-Until-You-Break Department....

 .....all day....every day....

There is the strange, gnawing feeling that I am being watched...

Personal space is overrated, I guess!

I'm sort of wondering if he will venture outdoors as much this year--he's become awfully attached to the family and to his favorite indoor napping spots!  But--I suspect that before long I will be having fewer Fluffy D'Tail stare-downs as he makes his daily rounds of the neighborhood.

Fluffy and I are currently sharing a sunbeam by my desk--enjoying some thoughts of Spring!

Enjoy your week!  

Now it's your turn to link up your latest Wordless Wednesday posts!

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  1. Awww. your cats are absolutely GORGEOUS!! and love their names!

  2. Aww! and they lovely...and posers too heheh!

    Have an eggtastic Easter :-)

  3. They look like lions! So cute!

  4. What a bunch of fluffiness, they are all so cute. The looks tell it all!!!

  5. So adorable. We've just had the neighbour's cat adopt our family. He is the most gorgeous and eccentric ragdoll cat and lucky for us they are moving and can't take him with them. He has gone from being a mainly outdoor cat, to spending most days in doors, demanding attention. We just love him.

  6. Happy Wednesday and thank you for hosting this great link up! Have a Happy Easter!
    I'd love for you to please come share and link up with me now {if you haven't already...} at
    and everyone your great posts!!
    xx Ashleigh @SimplyWright

  7. I have come to the conclusion that with cats in the house you are ALWAYS being watched, even when they have their eyes shut, they are still somehow watching!


  8. Aw, such adorable shots... Thanks so much for sharing! :)
    Happy Wordless Wednesday!

  9. These shots are very cute, thanks for sharing Kittie pictures make me smile.
    Have a lovely week!

  10. What beautiful cats - in love with Fluffy!



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