
#MondayMotivation : Living for the Now

We put so much emphasis on the future--and dwell so often on the events of the past--that we lose focus on joys of our lives at hand. For today's #MondayMotivation thought, I wanted to share a quote to remind us all to focus on the "now" of our days!

Certainly, as parents, we want to prepare our children and ourselves for successful, stable futures. In our little corner of the world; however, we need to make a better effort in balancing our focus between living in the present and planning for the future. It probably wouldn't hurt to close those doors to the past-which-cannot-be-changed--a little more securely as well!

I am brainstorming a little this morning. What are a few tips for turning off your inner critic and living more in the present? What are a few things we could do each day to be more mindful of our "now" and less focused on tomorrow? 

Enjoy your Monday!

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