First of all, let
me say that I am not convinced that it is possible to
be too close to your dog.
Of course, I work from home and spend virtually every hour with Max the
Foxhound, so we are pretty close. Most dog owners have a unique bond with their
dogs or cats, and I think many would agree that their relationships depend on
closeness. Those outside that dog- master relationship may see things a little
differently. Take a look at a few of the signs that may indicate to others that
you and your dog are (maybe) just a little too close.
You are never out of your dog’s sight.
Really. Never. If
your dog cannot let you out of his sight when you are in the house together, you may be too
close. My dog drifts from room to room with me throughout the day. Throughout the
entire day. When I am
working at my desk; he is watching me from across the room. When I make dinner, he is
either in the kitchen with me or he watches me from the dining room. When I put
the the girls to bed, he follows. He does not seem to have separation anxiety
in my absence, but he certainly attaches himself to me when I am home.
You have physically fallen over your dog more than twice in the
past day. I have tripped over Max four times this morning alone. One time resulting a 1/3 cup of spilled coffee on the dining room floor. Being in Max's
sight does not necessarily mean that
he is in
my sight. If you tumble backward
over your dog more than a couple of times a day, you may be overly bonded.
You use your dog or cat to corroborate a
story. If you have ever uttered the words, “But, my dog saw it too,” you
may have taken your dog-master relationship to a whole new level. I have used both my
dog and one of my cats to back up unusual stories or events in retellings. My husband
especially enjoyed the time I heard an unexplained noise while home alone, and
I immediately announced that Gina the Cat had heard it, too. Yes. I am probably a
little too close to my dog and my cats. We may spend a little too much "quality time" together.
You know whether your dog’s trip outside requires a pet waste bag. If
you can tell by your dog’s behavior if the pooper-scooper is necessary during
your walk, you may be a little too in-tune to his needs, habits and routines. I get the occasional
perplexed look when I ask a daughter or my husband to run Max outside and tell
them that he requires a waste bag. I am rarely wrong about these things. Perhaps, I may
be a little too close to my dog.
You share a special language with your dog. My dog flips over his food bowl and places a paw on it at dinnertime. He
also holds up one paw to beg for something that he wants, whether it is food or
a trip to the potty. Perhaps your dog offers a little backtalk or sass when you
tell him to wait or ignore his distinctive signals. Sharing a unique language
is probably a clear sign that you are a little too close to your dog, but it is
also one of my
absolute favorite parts about my relationship with my dog.
Note: This post was written by me and was originally posted on Yahoo! Pets--with me retaining rights to republish. Mister Maxi is my best friend. Without a doubt. I know that my life would not be the same without our (maybe too close) relationship!
Are you a little too close to your dog too?