
Cancelled Vows Book Review and Giveaway

After reading Kill and Run, from author Lauren Carr's Thorny Rose mystery series, I looked forward to the opportunity to read and review the latest book in her Mac Faraday series: Cancelled Vows. While I have not read other books from this particular series, I enjoy Carr's writing style and was excited to get to know the series' characters a bit. What did I think of Cancelled Vows?

Quick Summary of Cancelled Vows by Lauren Carr. Police Chief David O’Callaghan and Chelsea Adams’ wedding day is fast approaching. Unfortunately, at the last minute, David discovers that there is one small problem to be taken care of before he can tie the knot—divorce his first wife!

Lauren Carr takes fans of the Mac Faraday mysteries to the Big Apple in this nail biting adventure. In Cancelled Vows, David, Mac, and Gnarly, too, rush to New York City to dissolve David’s marriage to an old girlfriend—and he’s got five days to get it done. When murder throws up a road block, it is up to David’s best man, Mac Faraday, and Gnarly, K9-in-waiting, to sort through the clues to get David to the church in time!

I just couldn't like some of the characters in Cancelled Vows.  I was drawn to the characters of the Thorny Rose series--but, I found that David's character in Cancelled Vows was met with more eye rolling and disdain than with hope for his happiness. Dallas wasn't met with much interest and endearment either. I just found myself wondering how Carr's strong, real-world-drawn characters like Mac, Archie, Chelsea--and even the K-9, Knarly, could be cast alongside characters who just didn't share their similar upstanding characteristics.  I was expecting more from David.

The action and suspense kept the story line moving. In keeping with Carr's mystery writing style, readers are met with some suspense and some twists and turns as the characters seek resolution to more than one dilemma in this book! Readers won't be disappointed in the mystery element of the this story--and readers will find themselves drawn to Mac. He is a great mystery novel character.

Would I recommend Cancelled Vows? Take note of the character "glossary" introduced at the beginning of the book--but, don't obsess over it. While all of those characters will appear in the story--and there are several to keep track of and several relationships to note..all aren't really vital to understanding the story at hand. I assume the many characters will resurface in future books (or have already been introduced and I missed them!). 

I do like Carr's storytelling style--and Cancelled Vows held a valid mystery for readers to follow toward a resolution. I like Mac Faraday. A lot. I could see myself returning to the Mac Faraday series to follow Mac and his wife and Gnarly--but, the David/Chelsea/Dallas trio were just a little too shallow, hollow and "unlikeable" for me to invest much future interest in them. The book is a stand-alone mystery--but, I almost wonder if readers of the entire series know David and Chelsea in a different light? One that may make readers "root" for them a bit more? I just didn't connect with them very well as "mature" adults. They just weren't portrayed in this story. I liked the book because I liked the writing style, the mystery and the series "stars"--Mac, Archie---but, new readers to the series may be put-off a bit by David's character--and his interactions with Chelsea and Dallas.

​Buy the book on  Amazon

Meet the Author

Lauren Carr is the international best-selling author of the Mac Faraday and Lovers in Crime Mysteries and the Thorny Rose Mysteries. Lauren is a popular speaker who has made appearances at schools, youth groups, and on author panels at conventions. She also passes on what she has learned in her years of writing and publishing by conducting workshops and teaching in community education classes. She lives with her husband, son, and four dogs (including the real live Gnarly!) on a mountain in Harpers Ferry, WV.

Connect with the author:  Website  ~  Twitter  ~   Facebook

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  1. Thank you, Angela, for the review of CANCELLED VOWS. So glad you enjoyed the mystery and the twists and turns. See you next time!



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