We were caught in a wonderful discussion about how life has changed over the past fifty years. There were all the usual things like technology, transport, climate change, environmental awareness, easier to see the world and all of the normal things. But then someone piped up and said we now lived in a two income society and, you know what, they are right. For right or wrong, it used to be that families could get by on just one salary, but this isn’t the case now, not if you want to maximize your quality of life.
But what is a busy stay-at-home meant to do to ease the financial pressures? It is one of the questions that renders so many moms feeling useless because, well, they can’t find legitimate work-from-home opportunities.
Well, before you give up completely, we have come up with a few suggestions, ones that actually work and actually allow you to make more than just a few pennies on the side.
Become An Amazon Affiliate. You may not have heard of this before because, well, people are selfish and want to keep the best secrets to themselves. But the Amazon Affiliates program, which you can join here affiliate-program.amazon.com, essentially allows your Average Johanna to sign up, create an account and then earn a nice commission every time they sell something from Amazon using the special link they hand you personally (read: by generated email). How much do you earn? Well, it changes from item to item and category to category, but the average is about 8.1% of the Amazon listing. Oh, yeah, that can add up pretty quick.
Super-Duper Survey Sites. This really should have been number one on our list for the simple fact it requires absolutely zero skills, qualifications or startup costs; all you need is a little bit of spare time, say when the kids are napping or at nursery for the morning. You could even enjoy the rewards when your work-from-home life gets crazy. Seriously, surveys can be the answer, and you don’t even need to crawl the internet while avoiding scams because surveyswonk.com has taken the risk and research out of this route. The reason surveys have become such a great way for anybody to make money is simple; the modern world loves data, everyone wants more data, and companies are willing to spend a serious dollar in order to learn exactly what matters to average consumers. That’s you.
Virtual Assistants Are The New Big Thing. More and more people - and businesses - are hiring virtual assistants to save themselves money by reducing their overheads. But while others are saving money, you could be using this new service to make some dollars. It could be that someone wants you to read through their emails and reply accordingly, or scheduling their travel plans, or managing their social media posts or just about anything. What’s great about this, though, is that most people looking for a virtual assistant don’t specify when something needs to be done (sometimes they do) but rather you do an hour a day when it suits you. In terms of dollar, well, you could make anywhere between $7 and $25 an hour. That can add up to a nice sum at the end of each month.