If you love to travel, you don’t have to give up on the idea of vacations and exotic trips abroad when you start a family. It’s true that it’s harder to get away when you have children, but traveling is such a valuable experience, and if you want to see the world, there’s absolutely no reason why you can’t take your children with you. If you plan carefully, and you have all bases covered before you go, this will enable you to enjoy far-flung adventures with minimal hassle. If you’re planning a getaway with a new baby or you’re taking your toddler on vacation for the first time, here are some tips to help you minimize stress.
Choosing a Location. In the days before parenthood, choosing a location for your vacation probably revolved around the weather, what you wanted to do on your trip and cost. Now, there’s a little person to think about, and this may influence your range of options. First, think about travel time. It’s often easier to travel with very young children than it is with toddlers, as they’re much more active and they want to know what’s going on and get involved. If you have a baby who is crawling or just starting to walk or a toddler who is into everything all the time, it may be best to avoid long journeys. If you have a younger baby, long flights may not be too bad as at this age, babies still tend to sleep a lot. If you are booking flights, try and aim for night flights to coincide with your child’s bedtime routine. Of course, this may not always be possible, but if you can find later flights, it may be easier to settle your child and ensure that they get enough rest before the vacation begins.
The second thing to consider is what you want to do on your holiday. With tiny babies, it’s very easy to keep them occupied, and if you want to chill out on a beach for two weeks, you can probably do this. If you have a toddler, you may find it harder to entertain them if you go to a very quiet or secluded resort. Look for hotels that have kids’ clubs, playgrounds and facilities that will enable your child to have loads of fun, and also give you the chance to have a break from time to time.
Packing for Vacation. Most of us dread packing before kids appear on the scene, but you don’t realize how easy those days were until you have children and suddenly, there’s a never-ending list of things to remember. If you’re traveling with a baby or a young child, make a list a few weeks before you go away, and work your way through it. This will prevent any last-minute panics and ensure you’ve got everything you need well in advance of your departure date. Stock up on essentials and do some research to see what kinds of amenities are available. If you’re traveling to a busy modern resort, you may be able to pick up items when you get there rather than going over your baggage allowance.
One of the most important things to take when you’re going on vacation with a baby is a travel cot. If you don’t already have a travel cot, there are lots of different brands and models available, so it’s worth visiting some stores and taking a look at different makes. Look for a product that suits your travel needs and offers features that will make traveling easier. You can find reviews like this one of the super convenient Baby Bjorn travel crib online. It’s worth reading comments from other parents and comparing prices. When you’ve bought a travel cot, it’s a good idea to put it up and let your baby sleep in it for a few nights before you go on vacation. This will enable them to get used to it. Babies often feel vulnerable when they’re in unfamiliar surroundings, so this will help to settle them when you’re away. Put their favorite soft toys or comforters in the crib with them to make them feel more secure.
Once you’ve packed everything you’re going to need while you’re away, put a bag together for the flight. If you’re traveling with a baby, you’ll need spare clothes, bottles, diapers, wipes, pacifiers, and toys. It’s also a good idea to pack a blanket and any cuddly toys or comforters your baby has when they sleep. If you have older children, take plenty of snacks and drinks, toys and books to keep them busy and some pajamas to change into and get comfy.
Getting to the Plane on Time. If you have kids, you’ll know all too well that it takes an age to get out of the door, so give yourself plenty of time to get ready, get to the airport and find the gate. Book a cab in advance or ask a friend or relative to give you a lift, and make sure you have plenty of time to get checked-in and go through security. It’s much better to have too much time than to be sprinting through the airport with seconds to spare. Start your vacation the moment you get to the airport. Once you’ve got rid of your bags, relax, grab some food, and start looking forward to the adventures coming your way.
There’s no doubting that traveling with children can be stressful at times. However, it doesn’t always have to be a nightmare, and it shouldn’t put you off going away if you’re a globetrotter. Take time to plan your destination carefully, have a look at flight options, and look for hotels that offer amenities that will make your life easier. Write a packing checklist weeks before you go, and make sure you have everything you need. Read reviews if you’re looking for a new lightweight stroller to take or a travel crib, and start packing things away a few days before you go. Make sure you have plenty of time to get to the airport and board your flight. Finally, relax, and have a great time!