
Taking The Stress Out Of Stressful Jobs

Stressful jobs come in all shapes and sizes. What might be stressful to you might not be to someone else and vice versa. Everything we feel is subjective, and remembering that can increase our empathy skills for situations when we see someone at burn out. There are plenty of jobs that have elements that can be too much for you, and when you’re at 59mph and ready for 60, just one more instance could be the last straw. So what can you do to keep that from happening and keep your job performance intact? Here’s a few ideas on how.


Know What You’re In For

This is the first step in taking what could be a stressful job. If you’re just starting up at a job, you need to do plenty of research for it. Of course, getting through the interview stage and just applying there in the first place means you know your stuff, but have you really thought about every angle?

Working in something like the health and social care sector means we’re always going to be surrounded by people, and always on call. So popular queries like ‘what is a certified nursing administrator’ crop up in our heads when we look for a job, but what about how it can affect you?

Remember That You’re Human

None of us are invincible, no matter how many hours your boss seems to be putting in. When we realize where our thresholds for tolerance lie, then we can abide by them and make ourselves stronger as a result.

You don’t want to lose out on money because the very thing you do to earn is what put you down, so get rid of all thoughts that paint your ability in a negative light. You’re not bad for needing or wanting a break, so be sure to take them when you can and when they’re necessary. Breaks are there to keep us from burning out, and should be taken advantage of for this reason alone.

Try something that’s relaxing but can be done quickly. When you only have about 20 minutes to soak up some much needed rest, take your coffee outside and bask in the sun and air. Drink it slowly and really feel how it affects you. Even find a spare corner or cupboard and do some stretches to soothe aching muscles and improve your mind’s thought processes.

Try Some Physical Exercise

It may sound like the last thing you want to do when all your energy is going towards keeping up a job performance, but taking a jog or spending a few minutes on an exercise bike is great for getting rid of aches and pains and any negative energy.

It can literally feel like you’re sweating out all the bad feelings due to the amount of endorphins released. Keeping your mind on track as well as your body in good shape is great for stamina levels. If you’re anxious or stressed out, burn your body out a little on purpose to get better sleep at night and to feel rested when you wake up. It makes getting those key 8 hours a lot easier in one block rest.

Do some exercise in the morning when you first wake up if you have the chance, as this is when you’ll work out your calories rather than your energy. Doing this for the energy buildup that comes next feels a lot better than just throwing on some clothes and making your way out the door.

Use Your Limits To Great Effect

We’ve all heard the phrase ‘learn to say no,’ but that’s because it’s actually an incredibly important thing to practice. If you can’t cover someone else’s shift, no matter how much you like them or want to be kind, if you know you wouldn’t be able to keep up, say no.

Don’t let yourself fall into unnecessary obligations. It can feel pretty good when we say no, because we know we deserve it, and other people can even respect you better for it. If you set clear boundaries people are less likely to overstep them, and will consider you and your feelings more often in both a professional and private setting. You can help cut down the shocking statistics of stress related ailments when you no longer need to go the doctor for your tension headaches or the breakdown you feel you’re headed for.

You don’t have to be stressed at work when you know what to do. 

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