
Ghost Owl Book Review & Book Tour Giveaway

Over the past couple of years, I have read and reviewed the first two books in Nancy Schoellkopf's Avian Series. I loved both Yellow-Billed Magpie and Red-Tailed Hawk. I looked forward to reading Ghost Owl.  What did I think of the third book in Nancy Schoellkopf's mystical series?

Book Title: Ghost Owl by Nancy Schoellkopf
Genre: Literary / Women's Fiction with magical realism

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author or publisher for use in my review.  All opinions are my own.

About the Book

Ghost Owl is a magical story of discovery, as a young woman seeks to understand her potential and confront her own shadow. Mariah Easter wakes up in the middle of the night to discover the world is as bright as noon—but for her eyes only. Urged by her godfather, she embarks on a mission to peer into the dark spaces normally hidden from view, leading her to confront the sinister nature of power, the vulnerability of the ill, and the hidden life of a homeless man: a journey that will bring healing to herself and the man she loves.

This compelling and inspirational tale, the third installment of the Avian Series, invites the reader to ponder the extraordinary treasures hidden in the ordinary events of daily life.

To read reviews, please visit Nancy Schoellkopf's page on iRead Book Tours.

My Review

Ghost Owl Holds a Darker Element.  As the book's description suggests, readers should expect to visit some dark places--both figuratively and literally.  I think I was initially taken aback by what I felt was a sharp change in Mariah's character and the stronger sexual elements detailed in this third book.   The first two books led readers to follow the characters on a more peaceful, mystical journey toward self-discovery.  This book takes readers on a journey--but, it's a darker road with a more sinister feel at times. 

Ghost Owl is a Stand Alone Novel.  Sometimes, when you read a book from a series, you simply need to read the earlier books to form those bonds and connections with the characters and their backstories.  I think readers may appreciate the growth and struggles of the characters more if they have read the earlier books--but, may actually find this book easier to settle into its darker elements without pre-formed character images from past novels.  

The Author Still Offers Realism Even with the Heavier Fantasy Element.   I will admit that this book was more like a paranormal/fantasy novel than a women's fiction piece.   I had a more difficult time accepting the magical/fantasy events of this book--and I missed the cleaner, lighter, mystical feel of the earlier books.  Having said that--, Ghost Owl simply went a darker route.  Both with its magic and its realism and that stayed true to the series.  The author takes readers on a journey--and she did manage to tie together the magical darkness of the plot with the real world and her series' characters.

Would I recommend Ghost Owl by Nancy Schoellkopf?  I think paranormal fantasy fans--who also enjoy some real-world realism--will enjoy this book.  This book has darker, adult themes, mostly sexual in nature, and a heavier, maybe less believable, magical element than the previous books of the series.  In spite of that, readers of the series can expect the same character re-discovery and healing of the previous books.  I enjoyed the book and I will certainly look forward to more books from the author in this series.

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Meet the Author

Nancy Schoellkopf is the author of the Avian Series of novels including Yellow-Billed Magpie and Red-Tailed Hawk, as well as the short story collection Rover and Other Magical Tales. She has been telling stories and writing poems for many lifetimes. It goes without saying that she’s needed a second income, so this time around she happily taught amazing children in special education classes in two urban school districts in Sacramento, California. A full time writer now, she enjoys lavishing attention on her cats, her garden and her intriguing circle of family and friends.

Connect with the author: Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook ~ Pinterest ~ Instagram

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Ends Dec 16 

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  1. Thanks, Angela, for your honest review. I so appreciate your thoughtfulness!

  2. I absolutely love this cover! Can't wait to read this!



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