Driving tired
Did you know that 1 in 25 adult Americans admits to having fallen asleep at the wheel? According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, more than 70,000 crashes were caused by drowsy driving in 2013 alone. If you’re tired, it’s not safe to drive. Tiredness increases reaction times, it affects your ability to focus, and it could even cause you to fall asleep and lose control of your vehicle. If you’re struggling to stay awake, you could put yourself in serious danger, as well as those around you. Postpone your journey and take a nap, or take a break, stretch your legs and get some fresh air if you’re already en route.
Image by http://www.ellsworth.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/216142/airmen-guard-against-fatigued-driving/
Drink driving
Have you ever climbed into the car and taken control of the wheel after drinking? If so, there’s a good chance that you’ve broken the law. Legal drinking limits vary according to where you are, but you only have to consume a small amount of alcohol to exceed legal guidelines. If you’re driving under the influence of alcohol and you get pulled over by the police, or you’re involved in an accident, you’ll be liable for injuries sustained by others and you could also face criminal charges. If you find yourself in a situation where you’re over the limit, and you need legal advice, contact experts like those at Rowdy G. Williams Law Firm. The best thing to do if you do want to drink is book a cab or arrange a lift. Even if you weren’t intentionally over the limit, you could face legal action and put yourself and others at risk. Drink driving may cause you to take risks, it will affect your reaction time, and you may not be able to respond to hazards on the road, such as people or animals crossing or sharp bends. Every day in the US, around 28 people lose their lives as a direct result of drink driving.
Image courtesy of https://pixabay.com/en/drink-driving-drunk-alcohol-808801/
Driving in extreme weather
The weather can have a significant impact on driving conditions. If you’re heading out on the roads and it’s icy, wet or foggy, you’ll need to adjust the way you drive. Slow down, use your lights and don’t get too close to other vehicles. If the surface is slippery, your stopping distance will increase, so you need to leave more space between your car and the vehicle in front. If you’re driving in torrential rain, heavy snow or high winds and you can’t see properly, slow right down and pull over in a safe place. Listen out for weather warnings and advice from local forecasters. If adverse weather is predicated, consider staying at home and postponing your journey unless it is absolutely essential. If you’re driving in winter, it’s a good idea to take basic supplies with you, such as a warm coat, blankets, a flask of tea and snacks.
Picture credit http://www.publicdomainpictures.net/view-image.php?image=50300&picture=dramatic-sky-while-driving
Many of us enjoy the feeling of driving fast, but there are risks associated with exceeding the speed limit. If you drive too fast, there’s a chance that you could lose control of the car and the impact of the crash is likely to result in potentially serious and even fatal injuries. Look out for signs and speed restrictions when you’re on the roads and make sure you drive accordingly. If you’re hurtling around corners or flying through residential areas, you’re posing a danger to yourself, other drivers and pedestrians. If you’re going too fast, you could also be charged with dangerous or careless driving, and the penalties may be severe, especially if your actions result in other people being injured. If you crash at a low speed, injuries are likely to be a lot less severe than crashing at high speed. As a driver, you always have to question whether it’s worth living with the consequences of your actions just to enjoy the thrill of driving fast.
Image sourced from http://www.publicdomainpictures.net/view-image.php?image=197252&picture=speed-limit-45
Distracted driving
When you’re on the road, the environment around you can change in a split second. One moment, you’ll be trundling along without a care in the world, the next you could be desperately trying to swerve a falling tree or get out of the way of a car that has left it too late to overtake. As a driver, you always have to have your wits about you, and this is why it’s essential to stay focused. If you’re distracted, even for a second, you could find yourself in a very dangerous situation. If you’re adjusting the radio or sending a text message, this means that you can’t react as quickly to the changing environment around you. When you’re behind the wheel, concentrate solely on what’s going on around you, watch out for other drivers and always be prepared to brake quickly or try and steer out of trouble. There are hazards lurking everywhere, so never take your eyes off the road.
Image by https://www.flickr.com/photos/intelfreepress/8598246170
If somebody asked you if you were a good driver, what would you say? Even the most diligent drivers may have lapses sometimes, and the consequences can be incredibly difficult to deal with. If you’re driving, take care to pay attention to the rules of the road and be the best driver you can be. You may not be able to control others or the environment, but you can reduce your risk of injury by being a careful driver every time you take your car out of the garage. If you’re not driving safely, you’ll put yourself and others at risk, and you could also end up facing criminal charges.