
Breaking Free Book Spotlight & Giveaway

This morning, I have a romantic suspense novel in our book spotlight!  Check out Breaking Free, learn about the author & enter for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card in the book tour giveaway at the end of this post!

Breaking Free
by Debbie Williams
Genre: Romantic Suspense

Chloe is from a rich, controlling family. Finally able to embark on life, she finds herself free from the clutches of her controlling father. Enter Kai, who comes to her aid when her car strands her on the side of the road. She just doesn’t realise how much things are about to change. A close bond soon builds between them, but deep dark secret ties their families together and threatens to blow them apart.

Will they both survive?

Debbie Williams is married with 3 grown up kids, a beautiful daughter in law and an even more gorgeous grandson.

She is a Fibromyalgia sufferer who found a new outlet by writing to help fill her days.

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