If you have been watching the rent trends in Seattle, or your lease is coming up for renewal (or your landlord has decided to sell the property) you may be wondering if the time is right to make a move--or you may know that it is time! Whichever the case, you will need to consider the practical sides of going about this big new project. If you hire a professional moving company, there will be significantly less for you to worry about. They will quickly, efficiently pack and safely transport everything you want to bring along.
But if you are not in the kind of situation that will let you hire expert help, or if you just like holding all the threads in the palm of your own hand, you will likely want to pack up and move everything on your own, maybe with some help form a few trusted friends. Therefore, we have compiled a list of tips from a professional moving company to help you successfully do just that!
Start at the beginning and move from door to door
Wondering where to even start? Feeling overwhelmed? If your answer is yes, the best option is to just pick one room in the home at random, start from there, and keep moving from room to room. Moving is a lot like spring cleaning: one huge chore that you can tackle in several smaller, clever steps. Get some tips on that at this link: https://www.bhg.com/homekeeping/house-cleaning/tips/major-cleaning/
Small spaces, such as for example the bathroom of apartments near Memphis, are typically the easiest ones to deal with, so they can be a great place to start. When you complete your work there, seeing a room taken care of (even if it is small) will give you a sense of accomplishment and boost your energy levels for further sorting and packing work.
Larger paces, like living rooms, master bedrooms, children’s playrooms, and the like, will likely take you more time to go through, they area also typically much more cluttered, and these are the areas where most people find the vast majority of things which they no longer need.
One of the biggest challenges when planning to move is successfully decluttering. People hoard things for all sorts of reasons, form sentimental attachment, through feelings of duty and decency (remember that awful vase you got from the most obnoxious cousin last New Year’s Day?), to the handicrafts hamster’s mentality of “I might use this thing to make something cool one day”.
All of that needs to go, and it needs to never have any chance of coming back into your space – neither the living nor the mental one. We mentioned going consistently from one room to the next. Use that opportunity to get rid of things you no longer want, need, nor use with equal consistency. Remember to include all of the trash on the removal list as well.
Donate items such as clothing, books, school supplies, kitchen supplies (old mason jars, for example, or excess Tupperware), tools and anything else that might be of use to someone to places like Goodwill, Salvation Army, or your local second hand clothes store.
Another popular option is to host a garage sale or yard sale. It can be an excellent way to unload everything you do not want or need anymore, and earn some money on the side at the same time. Then you can use that extra cash to purchase necessary items for your new home or maybe even alleviate some of the costs of moving. Visit this link for some ideas on how to make it a resounding success.
Save your cabinets and pantries for the last steps
It may seem a little counterintuitive, but according to experts from cheapmoversseattle.com, you should leave these two types of areas for the very end of your packing efforts. It is easy to see why, as well; these are storage areas, meaning there will always be more things in them than you thought – and likely more than you really need.
The food should be the last thing to be put in the boxes, and just half a step before it are the glasses, plates, silverware, and the rest of your dishes. Warp all of these fragile items in old newspapers, and stuff some pages in between them too. The food that is perishable should be packed as late as possible, and kept in a cooler or miniature portable fridge until you arrive at your new home.
Put the stuff you have no idea what to do with in storage
If you are moving any sort of a larger household, chances are that you will have at least a few cartons of things that you cannot transport directly to your new residence, or at least not yet. There are also very likely to be a fair number of items that you cannot think what to do with, but cannot part from them either – old presents, heirlooms, small gifts from your kids from back when they were in kindergarten.
Until you can figure out what the future holds for all of these, keep them in a storage unit, you can temporarily relocate them to a friend’s basement or rent out a warehouse. This latter option is especially handy if you are dealing with large, heavy, bulky objects. Check out this informative article for some pointers on renting out a storage space and what you need to know before you actually do it.
Place those kinds of cumbersome things underneath any lighter boxes or items, and align them along the perimeter of the space. This will effectively build a path through a horseshoe of boxes where each carton will have at least one side clearly displayed in plain sight, label those sides with bright colors and bold type lettering to easily identify what is kept in each box and where in the new home might it belong.