Category: Children's Fiction (Ages 3-7), 36 pages
Genre: children's feelings. baby animals, children's social situations, self esteem, mindfulness, parenting
Publisher: Funny Bird Production
Release date: January, 2020
Content Rating: G. This is a children's book.
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Rather than labeling certain emotions as "good" or "bad", these emotions simply get space to be as they are, and encourage the reader to remember that they too will pass. The final message of the book that we are in fact "none of these" me's is a loving reminder that at any moment we can start our day again from joy. "I have seen firsthand how taking out this book can transform a child's tantrum into a smile and eventually bursts of laughter.
Click Here to Read Lion's Message for the Big People. |
Yummy Me Feels So Good offers a fun way for families to talk about emotions and feelings. Especially today, and my house is no exception; we seem to run an entire course of emotions within a very short time--sometimes within an hour! We run from happy to sad to mad to happy and peace-filled to anger-filled. This easy to read children's book offers short, fun to read pages with bright, bold words and illustrations that help the author convey emotions and messages to readers. As the animals show readers emotions--the author can express the many different feelings we feel from moment to moment. The book is a great starting point for young children and their caregivers to discuss emotions and develop an understanding and an acceptance of those feelings.
The Book Has a Simple Story--But, a Big Message for Children. Learning to self regulate emotions--and show sympathy and empathy are essential skills for little ones! With so many changes in our world today, children (and adults) have had "normal days" disrupted or wholly dismantled! These changes have been hard to understand at times. The new normal has been even more challenging to accept and move forward from for so many people. This book gives readers a way to identify feelings through cute animals and simple prose--and learn to find their "yummy" feeling too!
Would I Recommend Yummy Me Feels So Good by Lion I Am? Emotions are complicated--and can be scary and confusing for children--especially without having "names" or visual images for their feelings. I love simple books that offer families, caregivers, and teachers learning opportunities through fun visuals and easy to understand perspectives. This book is an excellent book for families seeking to help young children put feelings into words--and some self-awareness and self-acceptance into practice.
The author Lion I Am lives on a beautiful island with lots of trees and animals. He likes quiet spaces in nature just like his animal friends. He enjoys talking to the turtles, dolphins and whales when they're around. Like the Lion he enjoys relaxing in nature and listening to the sounds of the birds and animals and that of the wind in the trees and bamboos. He especially loves the beach and the ocean surf. One of his favorite things is swimming in the strong waves in the ocean. He loves playing with children and animals. They help him laugh at all his passing Me’s and his funny moods. The children and animals remind him to be grateful for life here on this beautiful Earth. Lion I Am loves to visit with teachers and children who read the Lion I Am books together and share their feelings and playfulness together. The Funny Bird Productions mop top birds sing "All there is is Love, Love is all there is. Love is all there is, All you need is Love" They know the important things in life.
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RRRRRRRRRRRR I just love it. Thanks so much form Lion and all his animal friends. Keep up your great work. Lion