How did I choose my word or theme of the year for 2021
Choosing a word or theme of the year involves answering a few basic questions.
What was missing from my life in 2020?
What does my life need more of in 2021?
What goals do I prioritize higher than the rest in 2021?
What is a one word resolution to guide me in meeting my goals this year?
I have selected the word Peace for the New Year.
Why have I chosen to make Peace my 2021 Word of the Year?
What goals do I prioritize higher than the rest in 2021?
What is a one word resolution to guide me in meeting my goals this year?
I have selected the word Peace for the New Year.
Why have I chosen to make Peace my 2021 Word of the Year?
2018 and 2019 were painful years for me--physically, emotionally and spiritually--in most areas of my life. Physically, I had some health issues linger and some new ones join the party. Emotionally, I had struggled with some relationship issues that came to a boiling point over the 2018 holidays and were no longer able to be left to "get better" on their own. Combine that with the emotional/mental strain of illness and a total loss of self--and, I think it is fairly safe to say that 2019 found me broken.
Spiritually, my life needed a total re-boot. Faith that was already on
life support was tested for a couple of years--again and again. I needed to heal my relationships, my heart, my soul and my life.
In 2020, I desperately wanted to grow from the past--and become the person that I felt was somewhere caught beneath the shell that I had created for myself. I began the first month of the new year well--then, life happened. Hard.
My husband's father and my mother both passed away in February. On the same day. No, that's not a typo. My husband and I each lost a parent within hours of each other on the same day, in different cities from unrelated, chronic illnesses. I will give you a moment to process that one because I know that it is something that I am still processing almost a year later!
Three weeks after their passing, in mid-March, COVID-19 halted everything that was our normal and threw us into a work from home/learn from home state of chaos that forced a lot of growth and change and perseverance.
Plans changed, goals changed, life just changed. As a little family, we were still grieving--and coping with isolation and all of the changes that turned our day to day growth into daily challenges.
In September, my mother-in-law became suddenly ill, was hospitalized, had emergency colon surgery--and passed away in mid October. As a little family, we were not ready for more loss.
We were tired. We were in pain.
We were fighting so hard to function and simply exist that growth had fallen completely from our views at that point.
It seemed that each day of 2020 threw us a new challenge and detoured us further and further from our goals and dreams
Healing was my word for 2019. While I did a lot of healing--I am certainly still recovering from wounds. Healing is a tough, on-going process!
Looking back, I realize that there was a great deal of growth in 2020 for myself and my family. We grew stronger. We grew more independent.
We found strength to move forward each and every day (most days). We overcame and we survived. We didn't necessarily thrive in terms of our goals--but, we fared well through it all considering the challenges!
The past few years have brought a lot of grief--and pain and doubt and chaos and things left undone!
2021 is a new year--and I am going into this new year a much different person than the person I was this time last year.
This year, I desperately want to find peace in my life. In reality, I know that I need to create peace in my life. Peace from the chaos. Peace with the past--peace to move forward to the future.
I need peace in my relationships. I need to find (create) balance and order in my home and the various areas of my life so that I may rest and enjoy the days of my life.
The last year has taught me a lot about life--and loss--and a lot about myself.
Rather than seeing it as "starting over" (again)--I see 2021 as an opportunity to create balance and peace as a person and continue to become who I need to be. It is time to learn new things that bring me peace and joy, express and share things that have been tucked away. It is time to rediscover things that were lost, come to terms with them and find balance from and through my discoveries.
2020 was tough.
Even as we end the year, we have not come to terms with all of the many new "normals" that came to be as the year progressed.
So much uncertainty remains. So much anxiety and stress continues to fill the days. Our home is disorganized and in a state of flux as we settle our parents' estates and try to settle into our new balancing acts.
I need peace and balance--and I truly don't think it is so far out of reach! I just need to put in the work to make the changes that I can--and come to terms with the realities that I cannot change.
This year stopped so many things for so many people.
Dreams stopped as we self-isolated and lost sight of the big picture after months at home.
So many have lost businesses and livelihoods.
So many of us have become so lost within the chaos and the uncertainty that our paths have all but disappeared.
2020 brought fear, anxiety, tension, anger, grief, pain and disorder to my world.
2020 brought fear, anxiety, tension, anger, grief, pain and disorder to my world.
2021 needs to be the year that I create the peace that I need in my life.
What am I waiting for?
It is time to create peace and balance in my life.

I can't go back and change the past.
I can wake up on a new day and create a brand new ending of my life story.
I can find peace with the past as I move toward the future.
I can wake up on a new day and create a brand new ending of my life story.
I can find peace with the past as I move toward the future.
Have you chosen a word of the year?
We would love for your to share your word--or your most desired resolution!
We would love for your to share your word--or your most desired resolution!
Have a wonderful and prosperous New Year!