
Cracking the Harmony Code Book Review & Giveaway

This morning, I am sharing my thoughts on a leadership & conflict resolution themed self help book. Learn about Cracking the Harmony Code and author Camilla Gray-Nelson, read my review of the book and enter for a chance to win a prize in the book tour giveaway.

Book TitleCracking The Harmony Code: Nature's Surprising Secrets for Getting Along While Getting Your Way
Author:  Camilla Gray-Nelson
Category:  Adult Non-Fiction, 190 pages
GenreLeadership, Women's Empowerment
Publisher:  Double Dove Press
Release date:  Mar 31, 2021
Content Rating:  G. This is a book for all readers.

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About the Book

In Cracking the Harmony Code, award-winning entrepreneur and best-selling author, Camilla Gray-Nelson, reveals Mother Nature's secret code for achieving personal and professional goals. Using "influence through instinct," she guides you up Nature's Harmony Pyramid to its pinnacle of success, peace and happiness.


My Review

Cracking the Harmony Code Offers Useful Tips in an Easy to Read Format. The author creates a helpful and valuable guide for navigating the relationships in our lives--both personally and professionally--that is easy to read and relatable. From personal stories, experiences, and views of relationships and interactions in the animal world, she brings a slightly different take on developing and maintaining human relationships. 


Animal and Nature Lovers Will Readily Absorb the Book's Content. The author's comparisons and ideas draw on giving animals humanistic thoughts and emotions for readers to relate to their own lives and relationships. For those of us who typically assign thoughts and feelings to the actions of animals we encounter--the author's ability to apply the instinctive principles at play in nature to those of human interactions brings some new insights into managing our relationships. Even readers who question or doubt animal "feelings" suggested by the author will still accept the values of instinct and persuasion over anger and force in relationships and communication.


Would I Recommend Cracking the Harmony Code by Camilla Gray Nelson? This book is a great read for those interested in finding peace in our relationships without necessarily giving in or giving up our goals and motivation in our roles. Whether looking at family dynamics or office place relationships, the book does offer tips for many of the personalities we meet and a basis for understanding the animal instincts at play in our human relationships.  It provides interesting perspectives into using the power of influence and understanding human nature to achieve better, stronger, healthier relationships in our lives. 


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Meet the Author

Best-selling author and award-winning entrepreneur with a company consistently listed in the Top 15 Women-Owned Businesses in Northern California, Camilla Gray-Nelson has a leg-up on her competition. Raised and living on a farm, Camilla credits her business success today to the lessons she learned from Mother Nature in her childhood! Combining a keen knowledge of animal behavior and her awareness of the human animal's inner instincts, she reveals Mother Nature's paradigm to all women who seek their own success at work, parenting and love. She shares the animal secret of Influence through Instinct, to more cleverly succeed in getting what we want in our professional as well as personal lives, while at the same time, maintaining precious Peace and Harmony. . . two seemingly endangered species in today's chaotic world!

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