Category: Children's Fiction (Ages 3-7), 34 pages
Genre: Juvenile fiction/science & nature/environment
Publisher: Sage Green Press
Release date: March, 2022
Content Rating: G. There is nothing even close to PG or R in this book, it is totally G
"A simple, relevant, and informative read that gives kids a positive outlook on what can be done to reduce our impact on the ocean." — Taylor Lane, Creator of the Cigarette Surfboard
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A young girl loves the tide pools that she sees on her runs by the ocean, but one day notices garbage amongst the colorful creatures she finds there. Along the beach she meets conservationists cleaning up the beach who educate her about the dangers that trash pose to ocean life. She decides to help also.
Saving the Seas for the Purple and Green is a Great Introduction to Environmental Concerns. The author does a beautiful job highlighting the dangers of various plastics to our waterways, green spaces, and wildlife. Readers will follow Violet as she learns about plastic pollution and ways to do her part to protect her environment.
Saving the Seas for the Purple and Green is a Bit Scientific for Younger Readers. While the children's book feel of Violet's story and the lovely illustrations make this a very suitable book for young readers--the science textbook feel of some of the pages pushes it up for an older audience. It feels like it hits between a lower and middle-aged elementary audience--making it a great book to use as a homeschooling family or to introduce children of different ages to environmental concepts.
Would I Recommend Saving the Seas for the Purple and Green by Nancy Carlisle? I love this book for summer learning or encouraging families to become more involved in environmental conservation or clean-up efforts. The author gives readers a lot to think about and offers excellent introductions to concepts for families and caregivers to use for further learning or family activities. If you are looking for a book to help the kids understand the environmental impacts of plastics and waste--this is an excellent book for various ages--but I wouldn't expect the kids to read it on their own with the same impact as a family read along.
Nancy enjoys the outdoors and international travel. She is a member of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators and the Society of Environmental Journalists. She studies botanical illustrating and French language.
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