
6 Amazing Volunteering Ideas for Seniors

You're mistaken if you think that volunteering is only for the young. It doesn't matter if you are 20 or 60; you can enjoy volunteering and the benefits that come with it. Retirement has become a new active phase for many seniors, and they can finally devote their interests to other things they couldn't do during their working years. Here are ways in which seniors can get involved in the community:


1.  Working With Children


This is important in the case where retirees live away from their grandchildren. Volunteering activities involving children will also include a background check and a specific commitment duration per week and over a specified time.


Volunteering may come in handy in the children hospital setups for:


     Reading Stories

     Monitoring playrooms

     Foster grandparenting


2.  Hunger Relief


Hunger and malnutrition affect almost all countries across the world. Hunger relief needs are on the rise during these challenging economic pandemic times of unemployment. Seniors can readily volunteer themselves through the local food banks in providing fresh produce through participation in the community gardens.


3.  Disaster Relief


Senior volunteers can respond to natural disasters by joining independent senior living community programs that effectively respond to such matters. However, this type of volunteering requires one to have certifications in lifesaving skills and handle donations and supplies effectively for the crisis survivors.


4.  Tour Guide


Seniors have the time to pursue and learn about topics that have long been of interest to them. There are many training opportunities for senior volunteers to lead tours and educate visitors. It's impressive how seniors with esoteric skills or interests have many volunteer programs available to them.


5.  Legal Advocate


Advocates come in handy in most organizations in legal representation, contract negotiations, or legal advice. Legal volunteers may come in handy in cases of:

     Domestic abuse

     Advocates for foster children

     Defending minorities

     Administrative roles in non-profit organizations


6.  Library Volunteer


This is a perfect opportunity, especially for seniors who are retired teachers.  They may come in handy since most libraries are underfunded. In the library, seniors can work as clerks as they share their love for books and reading.


These are some of the volunteer options for seniors. All that matters is choosing one that fits your passion and skills.



About the Author


Jennifer Bell is a freelance writer, blogger, dog-enthusiast, and avid beach goer operating out of Southern New Jersey who writes for a independent senior living center.

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