
Fall & Halloween Safety Tips: Interview with Daddy Nickell of DaddyScrubs

Halloween spirit is beginning to fill the air here in A Mama’s Corner of the World this week. We know that Halloween is so much fun for kids and grownups alike—but, as parents, we also need to be sure that everyone has a safe holiday too. We had the wonderful opportunity to sit down with Rober Nickell, or Daddy Nickell, parenting expert and creator of the popular DaddyScrubs line of delivery room gifts and apparel for dads, and talk to him about fall and Halloween safety for kids and parents.

As the father of six children, Daddy Nickell always has a lot of wonderful parenting tips and insights!  During our question and answer session, he brought up some great points about Halloween safety that many parents overlook!

A Mama's Corner of the World (AMCOTW): What was your biggest worry concerning your own children’s safety during Halloween—first when you were a new father and secondly, after number six.

Daddy Nickell: I had my first four children when I was in my twenties, they were born 1986,87,89,and 90. It seemed safer back then. We lived in a neighborhood that my children knew well. There were a lot of families and everyone would be out treating together. I generally felt safe with my children being out and going door to door. With my young kids today, 2009, 2011, and one due this year in December, I feel a little more protective. I do not like the “streets” that everyone goes to, it feels like a “mob scene”. We take them treating, but we go early, and to the quiet houses where we know the neighbors and then back to the house so they can participate in the candy give away.

AMCOTW: What do you think the biggest safety mistake new parents make when trick-or-treating? What about during the fall months in general?

Daddy Nickell: I think a lot of costumes are NOT designed for running around in the streets. Masks are difficult to see through, sometimes pants are too long, the props are not meant to be carried around everywhere. If the children have difficulty seeing or walking, they may not have an enjoyable experience, and they may fall, trip, drop their candy, or not see a car driving down the street. For the fall months in general, it tends to get darker earlier, and with summer over, the kids and parents need to pay attention and realize, the season has changed and it is time to get indoors even though it may only be 6pm and during summer they were staying out later.

AMCOTW: What are a few important safety risks to note about outdoor Halloween parties, bonfires, etc. in the fall that parents overlook?

Daddy Nickell: Once again, I would address the costumes, be alert to where your child is going, who invited them, what type of party, etc. and “is the costume appropriate for the venue”. For girls, especially, keep the “sexy” out of the costume, they do NOT need encouragement from the parents. The costume should be conservative and fun, and not anything else.

AMCOTW: What is the one piece of Halloween safety advice that you wish you had known with your first child? What about even with your youngest?

Daddy Nickell: Set the ground rules, pay attention, make sure you can see, bring a flashlight, add some reflective tape on the back of the costume, have check in times, carry a cell phone, only cross at corners or crosswalks, and check the candy when you get home.

AMCOTW: What would you say to a parent who says that it is just not safe for children to trick or treat in today’s neighborhoods?

Daddy Nickell: I would say that they may be correct and they should follow their instincts. There are a lot of malls where the stores have “trick or treating”, parks and recreation have carnivals, and I would suggest hosting a Halloween party of your own and invite the other families in the neighborhood.

AMCOTW: You always give such great advice. Let's take a break from safety and talk about DaddyScrubs.  What do you enjoy most about your professional role as Daddy Nickell with DaddyScrubs?

Daddy Nickell: I am a serial entrepreneur, and owning Daddyscrubs is a thrill everyday. It is fun interacting with Dads and Moms and talking about their future together. The Daddyscrubs uniform for the new dad allows them the opportunity to jump in the game and be involved from day one at the hospital. I get so many thank yous’, pictures, etc, that it is hard to keep track of everyone. It is very rewarding to know I am helping other families on such an important day in their lives.

AMCOTW: What is one thing that you would like my readers to know about you that may surprise them?

Daddy Nickell: I am pretty much a transparent and open book. I love my kids, my wife, and my family. There is nothing I would rather do, than spend time with them.

Want to Learn more about Daddy Nickell and DaddyScrubs?
For those of you who are not familiar with Robert "Daddy" Nickell and DaddyScrubs, I would really encourage you to check out the Daddy Scrubs blog and the products for new dads and dads-to-be available at  You can find Daddy Nickell in a variety of media and event appearances offering parenting tips, advice, and dad-friendly products.  You may also visit Daddy Scrubs on Facebook and Twitter

Enjoy the fall and Halloween events--but, do keep your child's safety in mind as you make costume selections and schedule those fall activities!

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