
My Word of the Year for 2017 is Healthy

It is January 1, 2017--and time to journey into a new year!  For many years, I joined others in creating a list of New Year's Resolutions--as I tried to refocus on my life's goals and my dreams. For the past few years, I have made my goal or New Year's Resolution list--but, have also chosen a single word as my focus for the new year.  My word of the year is sort of a theme of the year for year-long guidance.  If you are new to the concept of choosing a word to guide your year of transformation and growth--or would like to select your own word; but, aren't really sure where to begin--you may find the word of the year discovery tool and worksheet from Christine Kane helpful.  I didn't need to use the discovery tool this year.  My word of the year for 2017 made itself readily apparent over the past few months! 

 What does my life need in 2017?  

What is my overall theme for 2017?  

 What is my one word resolution to guide me in meeting my goals this year?

I have selected the word HEALTHY for the New Year

Why have I chosen to make Healthy my 2017 Word of the Year? 

-I am not getting any younger.  If I want to reach my life goals--I need to stay healthy in both body and mind!

-Being healthy is easy to take for granted--until you aren't so healthy.

-Targets and goals are useless if I am not physically or emotionally healthy enough to work toward them.
-A healthy lifestyle leads to a more productive life.

When I looked at my New Year's Resolutions--I realized that 75% of them had something to do with health and wellness.  Eat better, exercise more, lose weight, be more active, practice more self care, meditate, practice gratitude, work harder at relationships, cut screen time, live a more green-friendly lifestyle, de-stress--and on and on and on. 

I really believe that a healthier me will be a more productive and successful me in the other areas of my life..I will accomplish so much more with my days.

I will strive for to be healthy in 2017.

I will still live a family and goal Focused life in 2017--but, I think my entire family could benefit from some healthy lifestyle changes.

I have goals and dreams--and I am excited to embark on the journey into 2017

Have you chosen a word of the year?  We would love for your to share your word--or your most desired resolution!  

Have a wonderful and prosperous New Year! 

Disclaimer:  This is not a sponsored post.  I only mention a website within this post that I found personally helpful. 


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