
Book Excerpt from Scales by Pauline Creeden

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ScalesWe have an excerpt from Pauline Creeden's new book, Scales, to share with you today!  Be sure to check out the other stops on the book tour!

Quick Summary of Scales.  Verona is a bottom feeder. She is the one mer in her clan who is considered the ugliest and least intelligent. Growing up with the constant bullying and abuse wasn’t the worst of what her kind had in store for her. At seventeen years old, she must now endure “The Reckoning.” The scales will measure her worth to her clan. Will she endure thirty days as a land-walker to gather information and knowledge to appease her clan and return a valued member? Will she wait three years, until she is twenty, and find a mer of her kind to accept her and marry her? Or will she suffer exile for the rest of her life?  

Genre: YA

Excerpt from Scales by Pauline Creeden.
The elder’s sharp tongue whispers in my ear. “Now you will be measured.” 

My wrists fall free of the post as he cuts the ties. Exile. My Reckoning has begun.  

I open my eyes and rub my wrists. The ropes slide over my hands and sink to the sandy floor. My gaze darts about the clearing, but not one Mer remains in the crystal green sea only a hundred miles northeast of Bermuda.  

What should I do? 

Swim for the shore and live as a human or go for deeper waters and try my hand against the sharks? I swallow. Don’t do it, Verona. I hear my father’s voice in my mind as fear engulfs me. Nothing is worse than starving and suffering abuse at the hands of Land Walkers. Stay in the sea where danger wears no mask.  

Buy on Amazon Available May 26th


Pauline CreedenAbout the Author

Pauline Creeden is a horse trainer from Virginia, but writing is her therapy. In her fiction, she creates worlds that are both familiar and strange, often pulling the veil between dimensions. She becomes the main character in each of her stories, and because she has ADD, she will get bored if she pretends to be one person for too long.  

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