Sometimes we get so caught up in the mistakes of the past that we avoid living in the present! I've certainly been guilty of reliving random, past disasters and disappointments; often to the point that I paralyze myself with fears of all of the many things that will go awry on a given day. On this Monday morning, I am sending the girls back to school for a new year--loaded with anticipation toward their bright, shiny futures. So--on this Monday morning, I'm reminding myself of the importance of living my life in the present--for the future!
"If we open a quarrel between past & present,
we shall find that we have lost the future."
- Winston Churchill
Now--there's something to thing about! If we constantly battle our past in the present; we are not accomplishing anything positive for our future!
Whether you are an athlete re-living a poor performance or a man or woman re-living a past, mistake--the results are the same. If you stand still and focus on the past--on an event or an action that cannot be changed--you lose time to prepare for the next event or action of your life!
My plan today is to put all of effort into living just in this Monday. Just for this Monday.
.....and if I accomplish that.....what value will it add to my Tuesday? To my Wednesday?
To my future?
Have a wonderful week and enjoy today!