Image source: Pexels
First impressions. If there's one place which is the best to start with, it's probably going to be your bedroom. Sure some might say that you spend the most of your day awake in the living room, after work and whatnot, but really, the last thing you see when going to sleep and the first thing you see when you wake up, is your very own bedroom. Logically speaking, the first thing you see when you wake up is probably going to have an effect on your mood, albeit briefly, but even a brief period of a foul mood can lead to some regrettable decisions which can then spiral into a series of unfortunate events during the day. Start with the basics by simply putting up some “nice” things around your bedroom.
Anything you like, which will be somewhere in your peripheral vision when you are waking up or falling asleep. Those things can be very different depending on what you like, but just keep in mind that it doesn’t have to be limited to flowers in a vase. If you have some hobbies which you greatly enjoy, be it model building, a TV show or movie, maybe a series of books, put something up related to them. Maybe a few figures, some nifty memorabilia here and there, or a tapestry or two.
After all, it is your bedroom first and foremost.
Image source: Pexels
Feeling comfortable for the rest of the day. If you work an average nine to five job then you only really get to spend your mornings and evenings at home. People say "only", but is that really so little? Those are important times of the day for your psyche, whether you happen to be preparing for work in the morning, or want to put your feet up in the evening, your day regularly consists of those things. In this day and age, even during that small amount of free time in the evenings, you can shop furniture online without even getting out off the sofa.
If you don’t like your sofa, or your chairs, or your table, it might be time for an upgrade. Even if you do like them, if you’ve already seen them almost every time you walk through the living room for the past several years then they have probably seen better days. Not to mention, you wouldn't mind seeing something fresh as well. Getting some new furniture every now and again allows your house to be the gift that can keep on giving, and your perception of it positive.