Even if you are in a good place in the job market, with rising costs and interest rates, you may still need to tighten those purse strings a bit. I know that I don't love sticking to a budget and cutting costs--but the reality is--it's possible to save some money every day without being deprived! Here are ten ways to save money or cut expenses that won't leave you feeling broke!
Put Down the Phone. We live in a crazy, commercialized society. Every time we turn on the t.v., walk into a mall--or pick up our cell phone, we (and the kids) are bombarded with ads, images, and social media influencer shout-outs for all of those beautiful, shiny new things that brands hope we must have and will buy. The best way to live within your means and be okay with it is to limit some outside influences screaming that we need more and more stuff! Put down the phone when it isn't required and take a break from the ad streams.
Cancel or Pare Down Those Subscriptions. We can't eliminate all of our subscription services, but we can ensure that we use the services we pay for effectively. Take some time to be sure that your family needs and uses the subscriptions auto-debiting from your credit card or bank account! I discovered that I could eliminate a paid photo editing software and a separate social media scheduling software with features already available in the design software my whole family used. We also discovered that we could save a lot by combining my daughters' individual music-sharing apps into a single-family music plan. Make a list of your subscription services and evaluate them often to ensure they are still helpful, used, and necessary to your family.
Use Only your Bank or Credit Union's ATM. This item is smaller of a deal than it was 5 or 10 years ago since cash is no longer our primary payment method. But--if you need to withdraw cash from an ATM, make sure you do it from an ATM associated with your financial institution, so you aren't charged a fee. Additionally, take the time to understand your financial institution's rules for using ATMs, as some of them impose fees if you exceed a set number of visits.
Skip the Fees to Transfer your Money. If you are a frequent user of money-sharing apps like Venmo or even Paypal, you know that the need sometimes arises for transferring collected money to a bank account that can give you real cash. Plan ahead and avoid scheduling rapid or instant transfers that often take a few dollars of your money in convenience fees. Using a standard transfer rarely takes more than a couple of days to complete and is usually free to use.
Volunteer at Festivals and Events--and Let the Kids do the Same. Interested in attending a local festival or event? Sometimes those tickets can be a bit expensive! Check out the event's website for volunteer opportunities. You often receive free admission and other volunteer perks for a bit of work.
Learn Where to Save your Money for Better Returns. My daughters have savings accounts at our local bank. They may earn about 15 cents a month in interest. If you are making something similar with your savings, it may be time to grow your savings game and seek other options. Calculate and compare interest earnings on high-yield savings accounts, learn about I Bonds, and you will wonder why you still have a traditional savings account.
Meal Plan & Brown Bag Lunches. Meal planning really does help you save money when you plan efficient meals and stick to your shopping list. If you have meal plans, you are less likely to eat out, and you can make planned leftovers to use for the next day's lunches too. As a bonus, eating at home is often healthier than eating out too!
Comparison Shop for Prescription Meds. Even if you have decent health insurance, prescription co-pays can add up. Factor in a brand name prescription with a deductible, and it is easy to see how these costs eat away at your budget. If you are paying full price for prescriptions--or have a deductible to meet before your insurance covers at a discounted rate--check out sites like GoodRx or discount programs at Walgreens or Walmart to see if you can save money on your prescriptions. Never hesitate to comparison shop at all of your local pharmacies. You may find a wide range of pricing and discount options you didn't know existed.
Download those Coupon, Rewards, and Rebate Apps. Almost all grocery stores have shopper rewards cards for registered customers to save money on their purchases. Those are great tools to use--but you can also sign up for apps like iBotta and Fetch or rewards programs like Rakuten that really do help you save money on purchases you make every day. Sometimes you can even "double dip" and save with a store coupon and earn rebate cash through a savings app!
Organize Carpools for you and the kids. When my oldest daughter was younger, our parent group always organized carpools for mutual activities. I frequently drove a group of girls to girl scout meetings or soccer practices. Speak up and suggest a carpool group as you hang out on the sidelines or in the dance studio! It will save you some gas money and a few hours of time every week, too, when you share these trips with other families.
Here are just a handful of options that you may be able to use to save money that won't leave you feeling broke!