Book Title: The Mirabal Sisters: From Caterpillars to Butterflies by Raynelda A. Calderon
Category: Children's Non-Fiction (Ages 8-12)
Genre: Children's Book
Publisher: Cayena Press, Inc., 48 pages
Release date: March 2022
Content Rating: G. Suitable for all readers.
Category: Children's Non-Fiction (Ages 8-12)
Genre: Children's Book
Publisher: Cayena Press, Inc., 48 pages
Release date: March 2022
Content Rating: G. Suitable for all readers.
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About the Book
Born in a small town in the Dominican Republic, the Mirabal sisters lived at a time when the country was under the merciless rule of a dictatorship. Their deaths on November 25, 1960 (at ages 36, 34, and 25), have received international coverage. In their honor, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women is observed annually on November 25.
My Review
Readers Can Expect To Learn Some Valuable History. So many times, I realize that my history classes fell short in many details. I had not known of The Mirabal Sisters nor of much of the political history in the Dominican Republic. Through simple pages, the author shares a powerful history lesson and a biographical look at the featured Mirabal Sisters and their legacy. I worried at first that the text may be a little complicated for the target audience--but, it was well received with elementary aged students reading the story.
Illustrations and Text Complement Each Other Well. The illustrations do not fill each page but they do highlight the important messages and events of the page in a simple fashion. The author adds Spanish phrases and terms throughout the novel as well. Sometimes it isn't clear how the phrases translate to English--but, that also adds opportunities for children to use their resources and look up the unknown words.
Would I Recommend The Mirabel Sisters, From Caterpillars to Butterflies by Raynelda Calderon? The book deals with some difficult, historical subject matter and does include topics that may be uncomfortable for younger children. I think those is middle to upper elementary school and their families or teachers will enjoy the style of the book and find it useful and valuable. I would recommend it for those interested in highlighting famous, politically active women--especially Hispanic women.
Guest Post from the Author
Raynelda Calderon
Guest Post
What inspired me to write?
As clichéd as it might sound, I’ve been writing… all my life. Professionally speaking, I decided to publish back in 2010 when I was overweight and wrote my first book “¿Por qué estoy gorda?” Then I took a break (to put it somehow), but kept writing.
More recently, since I am a librarian and work with children, one day I was browsing the library shelves looking for books about the lives of notable Hispanic women to display for Women History Month but found none! So that got me thinking, “where are we (Hispanics) on the shelves? Where are our stories, our history? More importantly, WHO is telling our stories? I became somewhat… possessed! And took on the mission of writing one book herself, “Mama Tingo,” about a farmer and activist from the Dominican Republic.
As Hispanic, I think it is important that our children learn about the contributions of our own people through history. That first book led to another, and here I am, four books later!
At that moment, it did not occur to me to look for a literary agent. I was so… eager to have that book published (since no other book about Mama Tingo was out there–and still isn’t), that I decided to publish it myself. I created my own editorial house, Cayena Press, Inc., and today, we have published five bilingual biographies for children.
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Meet the Author
Raynelda A. Calderón, a Dominican native who lives in Queens, NY, is a children’s book author who has worked in public libraries for more than 15 years. She holds a doctorate in leadership in higher education, and she has taught Information Literacy at various colleges, most recently at Bronx Community College. As a librarian, working with children inspires Raynelda to write about the accomplishments of Hispanic women in history. She hopes to inspire young readers to follow their passions and never take no for an answer. Raynelda is the creator of the first Hispanic Heritage wall calendar that honors the accomplishments of Hispanic Americans in the United States. She lives with an untamed Shih Tzu, Toby, and a much attached Chihuahua, Maya. She spends her free time thinking (and drafting) about books to write, or painting, crocheting, or crying over abused dogs.
connect with the author: author's website ~ facebook ~ instagram ~ goodreads
Raynelda A. Calderón, a Dominican native who lives in Queens, NY, is a children’s book author who has worked in public libraries for more than 15 years. She holds a doctorate in leadership in higher education, and she has taught Information Literacy at various colleges, most recently at Bronx Community College. As a librarian, working with children inspires Raynelda to write about the accomplishments of Hispanic women in history. She hopes to inspire young readers to follow their passions and never take no for an answer. Raynelda is the creator of the first Hispanic Heritage wall calendar that honors the accomplishments of Hispanic Americans in the United States. She lives with an untamed Shih Tzu, Toby, and a much attached Chihuahua, Maya. She spends her free time thinking (and drafting) about books to write, or painting, crocheting, or crying over abused dogs.
connect with the author: author's website ~ facebook ~ instagram ~ goodreads
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